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Tarrot cards have proven to be an effective method of utilising the psychic engergy of the universe and displaying desired informT
arrot cards have proven to be an effective method of utilising the psychic engergy of the universe and displaying desired information in the symbolic  form of tarrot cards. With years of interpretation experience, these symbols can yield there hiddent meanings. ation in the symbolic  form of tarrot cards. With years of interpretation experience, these symbols can yield there hiddent meanings.
There are  man different forces that interact to control the physical world and the human body as well as mind. Science is only beginning to realize this. Graviety and magnetic forces are two important such forces, and both can be influenced by the position of the stars. Indeed there are more subtle forces that  have not been discovered. Ancient Astrologers have realized and used too their advantage this knowlegde in order to predict certain events and behaviour in certain individuals...a
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Forecast: $60
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" Science is only begining to realize the important influences that the planets have in our daily lives "
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First developed and used by the ancient eygptions, this poplar art of divination has undergone many improvements to increase accuratarcy. Using your birthday and timeaccurate forecast can be created
Different plants rule, or can influnce different parts of the body depending on your star sign.
6 Month Forecast: $40 
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Forecast: $60
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Forecast: $60
 Whether used alone or in our new process, Astrology can provide useful information. Using your birth date, time and place of birth our astrologers can create your own customised forecast in several areas of concern.
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